This is my web page dedicated to Quake 2, the best thing you could buy with a day's worth of work, Anime, and Mp3's. I will try to update this page as much as I can with more exciting news and maybe I'll even add other topics and goodies! It's at a very early state right now, so dont expect too much too soon. But come back and check this page sometimes.My the buttons to my Quake 2, Anime, and Mp3 pages are below the sponsor!

By the way: Would you be as so kind as to click on my sponsor so that I can update this page with more things. You might not like the sponsor, but all you have to do is to click it to keep me here. Just click it and leave the place, thanks!

Here are My other Pages

My Anime Page:
AznSavage's Essential Quake2 Files:
My Mp3 Page:
My Clan's Page, AznHunter's:
AznMaster's Web Page:
